Introducing Tenka Goken, a premier sword-making company inspired by the legendary group of five Japanese swords. The mission was to honor the rich tradition of sword crafting, while adding vibrant elements to highlight strength and give a modern approach to an ancient tradition. For the logo, I designed a striking emblem that blends the imagery of fire and swords, symbolizing the forge where our blades come to life. The flames intertwine with the swords to form a dynamic face, representing the spirit and craftsmanship behind each creation. The advertisements heavily feature this fiery theme, capturing the intensity of the forging process while highlighting the blades' artistry. One standout ad displays a park bench with sword slices etched through it, illustrating the power and precision of the blades in a unique context
Letterhead system
Logo Design
BUS WRAP advertisement
BILLBOARD advertisement
kiosk advertisement
logo devolpment
Advertisement DEVOLPMENT
for educational purposes only